Basic renovation with extension and attic conversion, single-family house, Berlin Lichterfelde
A semi-detached house from the 1930s is completely renovated and receives an extension with garage and library.
The semi-detached house from 1938 in the Lichterfeld ‘musicians’ quarter’ is protected as an ensemble. It is to be completely renovated and the attic converted. In addition, an extension to the existing building is planned, which will house a garage on the ground floor and a library on the first floor.
The existing building will be respected in its form and appearance and will not be changed externally. The dormers position themselves as new elements, and the minimalist cubic extension is given a glass joint that equally separates and connects the main building.
The roof remains as in the existing building with its slope of approx. 45°. Generous dormers and skylights increase the usable area of the attic, which can be used as a separate apartment within the flat with two rooms and a bathroom.
The roof terrace on the new extension can be reached via a footbridge over one of the dormers.
All rooms will be fundamentally renovated and the interior of the non-load-bearing walls will be reconstructed. Bathrooms and kitchen will be completely renovated including installations.
All newly installed components exceed the prescribed standard of the ENEV (Energy Saving Ordinance).
project data
Renovation, attic conversion, extension
Service phases 1-8: Norbert Freitag
Collaboration: Hanieh Razavi
Construction time: 2018/2019