Energy refurbishment and conversion of a primary school in Berlin Spandau
energy consulting
The primary school from the 1960s will be rebuilt and extended in several construction phases over a period of approximately four years. Classrooms as well as administrative and ancillary rooms are affected by the renovation work. The one- to two-storey building with a partial basement encloses the rectangular playground on three sides and consists of the day care centre, primary school and gymnasium. Several recreation and learning rooms are grouped around the adjoining room zones like pavilions, typical of the period in which they were built.
In the course of the construction project, the large-scale building complex is being renovated to make it more energy-efficient while it is still in operation. Existing plant technology and the components of the building envelope are optimised through doubling and additions or replacement. In this process, single-shell exterior walls are insulated from the outside, thus improving the insulating effect. Double-skin exterior walls, on the other hand, remain in the existing building. Some of the windows will be replaced and brought up to the current energy standard. The flat roof in the existing building will receive new gradient insulation, while the extension of the refectory will be a newly created part of the building with a roof made of wooden panels. The building component also contributes to temperature regulation in the interior through greening. The gas-fired heating system will be renewed and LED lighting will be implemented throughout the building.
During the full-scale energy consulting for this project, thermal insulation calculations were prepared and verified. Thermal bridge calculations as individual verifications provide precise support for detailed planning. In addition, supplementary information for the object planning was provided for the implementation planning and this phase was accompanied in an advisory capacity.
project data
Service phases
energy consulting
Arnaud Bauman